At Saint Teresa of Calcutta School high standards and challenging academic course work are two of the reasons our students achieve mastery content.  We offer quality teaching combined with a nurturing Catholic environment.  Our teachers have made a commitment to helping their students excel and hold advanced degrees and certifications.  We are committed to educating your child as a whole person.

Our students begin their day with prayer, and attend holy-day and special Masses at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and participate in regular prayer services as a school.

Our elementary curriculum integrates Gospel values with challenging academics, based on the Fall River Diocesan Curriculum and the Massachusetts Frameworks.  This quality educational program is offered in a safe and caring environment.  Students are challenged daily in Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music, and World Language.

Each classroom is equipped with a Chromebook cart that provides a 1:1 ratio for each student.  This allows for even more hands-on learning and access to Google Apps for Education.  Furthermore, each classroom is equipped with an overhead projection system and Ladybug document camera to enhance classroom instruction.


summer reading list & cLASSROOM SUPPLY LISTS