For the months of November-February, we will be collecting canned goods for the St. Lawrence Food Pantry. This is a great opportunity to help feed the hungry in our area and we encourage all family and friends to join in our efforts. All food and funds raised will help our local food pantry and educate our children about helping our community. Our food pantry is working hard to serve our community and help a growing number of families who are food insecure. Food insecure families are so limited in their resources to buy food that they are running out of food, reducing the quality of their food, cutting out meat, feeding their children unbalanced meals, or skipping meals so that their children can eat.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Donate Funds (grocery store gift cards)
2. Donate non-perishable foods such as:
Canned tuna, ham, chicken, turkey or beef (spam, corned beef hash)
Beans – dried or canned
Macaroni and cheese
Boxed meals
Pasta and pasta sauces
Fruit juice
Fruit and vegetables – canned (corn, peas, string beans, tomatoes, and fruit)
Sugar and flour
Coffee, tea and drink mix
Ketchup, mustard, relish
Crackers and cookies
Peanut butter, jams, jellies,
Low-sodium and sugar-free options are also appreciated.
Thank You on behalf of our community for your support and generosity!