Holy Name – St. Lawrence – St. Francis Assisi HARVEST CRAFT FAIR In the Holy Name Parish Center Saturday, October 14 from 9am – 6pm Sunday, October 15 from 8am – 1pm Food, Vendors, Auctions, Raffles, Kids’ Activities, and More!!  

  Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast Sunday, February 19th 9am to Noon at HOLY NAME CENTER   “All -you-can-eat Pancakes” (Plain, w/Choc. Chips, or w/Blueberries) Served with Bacon, Sausages, Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea, or Milk Adults $12; Children 12 and under $6  

Chuck E. Cheese Night in Dartmouth On Friday, December 2nd, between 3 and 9pm, come out and have fun while supporting our school!  Chuck E. Cheese donates up to 20% of the sales generated from this event to Saint Teresa of Calcutta

  All Saints’ Day – Tuesday, November 1st In honor and celebration of this joyous occasion, the students will be dressing as their favorite Saints and will process through the church before Mass on that Tuesday. Our “saints” should bring their saint